March 23, 2025
11:00 AM
655 E. Lake Mead Parkway Henderson, NV 89015
What Now?
You’ve been baptized! That’s wonderful. So now, let’s talk about your next step. As you learned in the baptism class, you’ve joined a family—the family of God. Specifically, you’re in this family, here at the Church at Lake Mead. And we are delighted to help you on your spiritual journey following Jesus.
We’ve structured this three week What Now? class around our Church’s three core principles: Behold Jesus; Belong to Jesus; Become like Jesus. We use these three phrases all the time! We want you to know what they mean and how God uses them to bring deep transformation into the life of someone who has committed their life to him.
CLASS DATES: March 23, March 30, April 6
All during the 11:00 AM service in Room 224